-Happy 150th Birthday, Canada!-

“The Historical Figures of Canada”.

John Graves Simcoe.


John Graves Simcoe (25 February 1752 – 26 October 1806) a British Army officer, the first Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada (1791-1796), founder of York (Toronto).

Doll: pigmented wax, wire, fabric, metal sheet.

Major General Brock.


Sir Isaac Brock (6 October 1769 – 13 October 1812) a British Army officer and a provincial government administrator (Ontario). Commanding the British forces he died heroically at the Battle of Queenston Heights (Niagara River) where the attempted invasion of Upper Canada by the Americans was stopped.

Motto – “Nothing should be impossible to a soldier!”

Doll: pigmented wax, wire, fabric, metal sheet.

Joseph Brant.


Thayendanegea or Joseph Brant (March 1743 – 24 November 1807) Mohawk chief, brought several thousand native immigrants from America to Canada (1776-1779), they were loyal to the Crown and were granted land in Ontario.

Joseph Brant’s Plea: “Have Pity on the Poor Indians”.

Doll: pigmented wax, wire, fabric, wood, metal sheet.

Laura Secord.


Laura Secord (Ingersoll) (13 September 1775 – 17 October 1868) – hero of the War of 1812, a housewife of Queenston (town of Niagara-on-the Lake, Ontario), who walked 30 km to Beaver Dams (22 June 1813) to warn the British forces of an upcoming American attack and by doing this has helped prevent the capture of the British outpost and to win the Battle of Beaver Dams (24 June 1813).

Doll: pigmented wax, wire, fabric, jute.



Tecumseth (Tecumtha, Tekumthi, “Shooting Star”) (March 1768 – 5 October 1813) – Shawnee tribe chief, leader of a confederacy of Indian tribes which fought against the Americans for their lands, ally of the British against the Americans in the War of 1812. Heroically died in battle at Moraviantown (present day Thamesville, Ontario) 5 October 1813.

Doll: pigmented wax, wire, fabric, wood, metal sheet.

“The Historical Figures of Canada” doll collection by Irina Gorelkina.










7 thoughts on “-Happy 150th Birthday, Canada!-

    • Thank you very much, Marie. This collection was made several years ago. May be if I decided to make it again, I could do it much, much better.
      I am deeply grateful for your compliment.
      Happy Canada Day to you!
      Have a beautiful weekend! 🙂

  1. As a Canadian who spent a year or two at Issac Brock Junior High School in Winnipeg, let me thank you for the lovely tribute on this, our 150th. Have a great Canada Day,eh!

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